🌱 Can Dogs Eat Edamame? - It helps prevent cancer!

We uncover the mysteries and benefits of this ancient Japanese bean.

The edamame bean can be now found throughout the world


Yes, it's safe for your dog to eat Edamame. It's a Japanese bean that has been eaten for centuries. It’s high in protein and low in fat, making it an excellent food to feed your dog. They are commonly known as immature soybeans or vegetable-type soybean.

Can dogs eat edamame?

Yes! Edamame is a very nutritious food for your dog. In fact, some people believe that it’s better than meat because there isn’t any cholesterol in this legume. There are many different varieties of edamame available today including green, yellow, red, purple, white, black, and even chocolate-covered ones. Some companies also offer flavored versions like strawberry, vanilla, and banana.

These flavors make eating the bean fun for both you and your pet although always check the ingredients when feeding flavoured since they’re created as human food, not a dog and may have health risks.

Is edamame safe for dogs to eat?

They are a type of soybean that is high in protein and low in fat. They have been used as food by humans since ancient times, but they were not commonly eaten until the 1960s when Japanese farmers began growing them commercially. They can be found at most grocery stores or speciality markets these days. The pods contain two beans inside each pod; one bean has an edible portion while the other contains a seed that will grow into another plant if left on the ground. They make a great healthy treat for your dog, just remember to remove the shells since edamame shells can cause stomach upset.

How much should I feed my dog?

The amount of beans needed depends on how active your dog 🐢 is. A small breed may need less than 1/8th of a cup per day whereas larger breeds might require up to 3/4ths of a cup daily. However, keep in mind that too much edamame could cause diarrhea so don’t overfeed your pooch. Also, remember that edamame beans aren’t meant to replace regular meals. Instead, serve them alongside your dog’s normal diet.

Overall, there’s not enough research available to determine exactly how many edamame beans your pet needs each day. The best thing to do would be to start by feeding your dog about half of his/her usual serving size once or twice a week. If your dog seems fine eating these amounts, increase the frequency until you reach the desired level.

Different types

You can find these in almost every supermarket now. Just look near the produce section where you’ll see packages labeled soya or vegetable. Many brands include dried edamame beans in their products such as Kibbles ‘n Bits brand. Other options include canned, frozen and dry.

Dry is usually sold in bags and come pre-cooked. Canned are often made from fresh beans and then processed using water, sugar, salt, spices and sometimes preservatives. Frozen is simply frozen whole edamame beans without being processed. All three types of edamame are great choices for your dog.

a tray of beans

Is it safe for puppies or small breeds?

Yes! they are healthy snacks for puppies and smaller sized dogs πŸ•. Although edamame does contain carbohydrates they’re still considered a good source of fibre and nutrients. As long as your puppy doesn’t get sick after consuming them she/he shouldn’t experience any problems.

Do they have any nutritional benefits?

They’re packed full of vitamins and minerals. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, edamame beans provide approximately 15% of the recommended dietary allowance of vitamin B6, 10% of iron, 8% of phosphorus, 7% of magnesium, 6% of manganese, 5% of copper, 4% of zinc, 2% of potassium, and 0.5% of calcium!

  • Copper is important for dogs because it helps with blood clotting and wound healing
  • Magnesium promotes muscle contraction and relaxation, helping muscles work properly during exercise
  • Iron supports red blood cell formation and oxygen transport throughout the body
  • Potassium aids digestion and regulates fluid balance within cells
  • Zinc plays many roles including supporting immune function, maintaining skin health, promoting growth and development, and protecting against infection
  • Vitamin B6 helps maintain proper nerve transmission and brain activity. Phosphorus keeps bones strong and teeth healthy

Other positive health effects from this fantastic food include:

  • Improves heart health by lowering cholesterol levels
  • Helps prevent cancerous tumors
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Lowers risk of diabetes
  • High in omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid
  • Great source of dietary fiber

a big bowl on edamame beans
big bowl on edamame beans

How can I make my dog love eating these beans?

If you want to encourage your dog to enjoy eating edamame beans try these tips:

  1. Start off slowly. Introduce edamame into his diet gradually. Try serving him/her only half of what you normally feed them at first. If he seems interested in trying them continue feeding them more until he eats all of them on his own. This will help him become accustomed to the taste before adding them to his regular meals.

  2. Add variety ✨. Mix up different flavors like sweet, salty, spicy, sour, etc. You may also add other ingredients like chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds etc.

  3. Keep things interesting. Don’t serve edamame alone. Serve them alongside something else so he has an incentive to keep eating. For example, offer some kibble mixed together with edamame. Or mix in some cooked meatballs, ground turkey, or even rawhide chews. The possibilities are endless.

  4. Be patient. It takes time for most dogs to learn how to love new foods.

Can dogs eat them raw?

Raw edamame beans should only be fed to adult dogs who are already eating well-balanced diets. They can also be eaten steamed, even frozen. But please remove the pods, they have a hard shell that can cause digestive upset if eaten whole. They must be removed from the pod prior to consumption.

Are they good for weight loss?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight with these before you probably noticed that they didn’t really help you out. This is mainly due to the fact that the beans themselves are pretty bland tasting. But what makes edamame special is the addition of seasoning. Just like for humans, using these as a method to aid weight loss for your dog is a smart move due to their low calories and being a high source of protein.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, they are one of those superfoods that everyone loves but few actually know much about. Hopefully, this has provided you with enough information to introduce into your pup’s diet! If you have any questions please get in touch 😊.

Amanda Brennan
Amanda Brennan

Animal enthusiasts, she works closely with animals that require rehabilitation across the US and writes for several pet websites. Her other interests are photography πŸ“Έ and training to run a marathon πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ.
