πŸ₯” We Check if Dogs Can Eat Takis?

The renowned spicy crips is popular for spice lovers, but is it a good idea to feed to your dog, lets review

New flavourings, image credit Barcel USA


We don’t recommend giving takis chips to your dog, the spice can cause a lot of problems including gastrointestinal pain. These spicy food snacks contain capsaicin which causes the body’s temperature to rise.

This leads to an increase in blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems and can increases your dog’s appetite leading to weight gain. Capsaicin specifically has been shown to cause cancerous tumours in mice and rats when given in very small doses over long periods of time.

Bad for dogs?

Takis are harmful to the health of our pets, they can cause a severe upset stomach if they consume too much of these snacks due to the spices and seasoning such as onion powder and garlic which are toxic. Another problem is digestion, the reason behind this is that they do not have enough fiber or water content which makes their digestion slow down. This leads to gas formation and bloating in the body. If you want to know more about how dangerous takis are for dogs then read on!

What are takis

Takis is are a type of chip that is made from tortillas. They can be found in many different shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they’re delicious! The chips are usually used as an appetizer or snack for humans. If your pup loves to chew on things like bones, then these tasty snacks will definitely appeal to him although we don’t recommend them due to the below.

❌ No nutritional value

The nutritional value of this spicy snack is very low. It contains only 1% protein which means that it lacks essential amino acids, It does have some vitamins though, however there are many other foods available that provide better nutrition. You don’t want to feed your pet something that will harm him or her and due to the spices and flavourings this isn’t a good choice.

❌ Too Many Calories

If you feed your pet Takis regularly then he or she might gain weight quickly, this could cause health problems later on. Your dog must have enough energy to perform daily activities. He or she cannot afford to consume foods that provide excess calories.

❌ Sodium Poisoning

If your dog eats Takis frequently then he or she could develop kidney problems due to excess consumption of sodium.

Sodium Nitrate - This ingredient is used to preserve foods by preventing bacteria growth. It also helps maintain freshness and color. However, this chemical compound is very dangerous when ingested by pets because it causes severe damage to internal organs.

Monosodium Glutamate - MSG is an artificial flavor enhancer that gives many products their unique flavors. Unfortunately, it is extremely poisonous to animals.

Onion powder - This can cause damage to your pups red blood cells, which can result in anemia in some cases.

Garlic - This is commonly applied to flavour the chips, however whilst fine for us humans unfortunately it’s toxic to our pups

Artificial flavors

These are chemicals added to foods to give them a specific taste. These may be harmful to dogs' digestive systems. Artificial flavors can irritate the lining of the mouth and throat, which could result in ulcers.

Their kidneys play a vital role in removing toxins from the body. Excess intake of sodium can cause damage to kidneys which leads to renal failure. It is important to note that Takis contains a lot of sodium, this means that your dog ideally should not be fed this snack.

Can Takis harm dogs?

While Takis isn’t dangerous if eaten in moderation / by accident, it could still prove fatal if consumed in a large enough quantity. The reason being that Takis contain a high amount of salt as mentioned above, the ingredients such as garlic and onion alone can lead to serious health problems.

How does Takis affect digestion?

If we were talking about humans here, then yes, I would agree that eating Takis chips might cause problems with digestion. However, because dogs' bodies process food differently from ours (generally much faster), the effects of consuming Takis chips may differ greatly between species. Given the small amount of fiber it’s likely to sit in the stomach for some time.

Food alternatives πŸ‰

If your dog refuses to eat his/her normal dry kibble or treats, try giving him/her something else instead. Try offering them chicken broth mixed with water, chicken soup has long been known to reduce appetite in people, and it works just as well for pets! Another option is to offer them canned pumpkin. Pumpkin contains fiber and tons of nutrients that can satisfy hunger without contributing to weight gain πŸ•.

Making at home

You don’t need any special equipment to make the chips yourself. Simply cut up some fresh corn tortilla into small pieces and bake it until crispy. Then toss with whatever toppings you’d like before serving.


Takis should be avoided if possible because they contain high amounts of fat, salt, sugar, and spice. It’s human food, so If you have a pet dog or cat then avoid giving them these types of snacks. You must keep away from such items like chips, cookies, cakes, biscuits, etc., which are harmful to pets.

These kinds of junk foods cause obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and other serious issues. Stick to fruit, vegetables and poultry πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ.

Amanda Brennan
Amanda Brennan

Animal enthusiasts, she works closely with animals that require rehabilitation across the US and writes for several pet websites. Her other interests are photography πŸ“Έ and training to run a marathon πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ.